Lambeth Conference 2008
Fulcrum Coverage
Fulcrum Response to the Lambeth Conference and to GAFCON 7 September |
Graham Kings: Patience and Urgency 18 August |
Robert Pigott, 'Lambeth Diary: Daring the Extremes to Leave, 4 August, and 'A Two Tier Communion', 2 August |
Pre-recorded interview with Graham Kings, and live interview with Nick Baines, on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme 4 August (scroll down to 0853) |
Premier Christian Radio, Marcus Jones interviews Graham Kings after the Lambeth Conference 4 August |
Tom Wright: Mid Conference Letter 26 July |
Andrew Goddard: GAFCON and the Anglican Covenant 20 July |
Graham Kings and others interviewed by Trevor Barnes on BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme 20 July |
Graham Kings and others interviewed by Ed Butler, BBC World Service Analysis programme 18 July |
Ephraim Radner: Open Letter to Lambeth Conference Bishops 14 July |
Elaine Storkey presents two programmes on BBC World Service 11-21 July |
Michael Poon: A Response to Gregory Cameron's Lecture on the Anglican Communion 9 July |
Graham Kings: Disagreeing Christianly: Unity, Humility and Prophecy 8 July |
Graham Kings: Reading and Reshaping the Anglican Communion 1 June
See especially A Suggested Quadrant for Reading the Anglican Communion |
Nick Baines, Bishop of Croydon, blogs on the Lambeth Conference |
Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol, blogs on the Lambeth Conference |
Andrew Burnham, Bishop of Ebbsfleet, blogs on the Lambeth Conference |
See also the official Lambeth Conference website