
This life is given to me from the hand of God,

Lent out of eternity for my brief span

Which totters forward daily

Greying hair and growing experience marking

The passing

Of each year.


This time is given to us out of the life of God,

Forty days out of three years

Which mark the start

Starving and tempted Christ suffers

The sunshine

And the cold.


These moments are given by us into the hand of God

Forty days grudgingly marked out in self denial

Which share the passion

Of the suffering Christ


And beaten


Our lives are offered back into the life of God

Our little suffering caught up as prayer

For all who share the suffering of the world

Cyclone and suicide


And child.


God, my beginning and ending

Lend me your peace and love

And I will lend you my small agony

For the redemption

For healing

For all.

1 thought on “Lent”

  1. Sarah, this is working as a prayer form. Your lending lens on Lent constructs a paschal memory palace with wings for refection on both Jesus’s agon and one’s own. Brought together in your words, they have the edge of Heidelberg Catechism Q1 (“What is your only hope in life and in death?”). Offhand, I do not recall another form that does this so well for baptism. “Teach us to number our days that we may incline our hearts to wisdom.”

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