An analysis of the Response to the Primates by TEC HoB

Andrew Goddard 12th Nov 2007 Dear Giles, Thanks for your letter and sorry my decision to focus on the pressing Communion issues in mid-Sept was ‘perplexing’ and left you ‘not absolutely sure how it fits into our correspondence’. It is interesting that discussing these political issues seems so fruitless. If I’m totally honest I have … Continue Reading
by Christopher Seitz In his lectures delivered at Wycliffe College, Toronto, last month, Ephraim Radner has given an historical account of conciliarism and has described how Anglicanism developed over time a set of Instruments intending to maintain unity of faith in the light of missionary expansion and the emergence of nations in the New World … Continue Reading
Giles Goddard "Goddard 2 Goddard" contents page Comment on and discuss this letter on the Fulcrum Forum 03 November 2007 Dear Andrew Thanks for yours dated 16th September. I was pleased to receive it and glad that our correspondence has re-opened, especially in view of the other developments in your, Lis and the children’s lives … Continue Reading
Review of Scot McKnight, A Community Called Atonement (Abingdon Press, 2007). £9.99 by Andrew Goddard There can be little doubt that the cross and the doctrine of the atonement are close to the heart of evangelical identity. Sadly, as most recently evident in Pierced for our Transgressions and reactions to it, this means they can … Continue Reading
The Doctrine of Salvation among African Christians by Chigor Chike 1 Introduction This article which is taken form my book African Christianity in Britain will be devoted to how salvation is understood in African Christianity. The first task will be to describe how salvation is understood on the African continent. This will be followed and … Continue Reading
Half Empty? Half Full? Too Little? Too Late? by Andrew Goddard part 2 (click here for part 1) II.B – Alternative Provision and External Interventions Episcopal Visitors The HoB here affirms a plan from the Presiding Bishop (still not published in full and so difficult to evaluate) ‘to appoint Episcopal visitors for dioceses that request … Continue Reading
As many predicted, some hopefully and some fearfully, the Joint Standing Committee (JSC) have given a positive assessment of the response of the The Episcopal Church’s (TEC) House of Bishops to the Primates’ Questions from Dar Es Salaam. In particular, in relation to the two key requests concerning TEC’s response to The Windsor Report (TWR), … Continue Reading
Wycliffe Hall, Oxford Letter to the Church of England Newspaper 28 September 2007 from Dr Eeva John, the Revd Geoff Maughan, and the Revd Dr David Wenham republished with permission Recent revelations concerning the removal of Dr Elaine Storkey and of the Revd Dr Andrew Goddard and the Revd Lis Goddard from their posts at … Continue Reading
An analysis of the Response to the Primates by TEC HoB