The Seven Deadly Sins…of managing people badly

Jon KuhrtJon Kuhrt works with people affected by homelessness, offending and chronic addictions at the West London Mission. He, his wife and three children are part of Streatham Baptist Church and he is a member of the Christians on the Left. He likes football…but loves cricket.

Doing Anglican Theology

The crises that Anglicanism faces today can usually be traced to the different ways in which different sides approach the task of doing theology. The questions which arise are not new: how do we interpret Scripture? what authority do we give to Scripture? how much respect do we pay to the way in which Scripture … Continue Reading

Lesslie Newbigin: a Reader

Lesslie Newbigin Missionary Theologian: A Reader by Paul Weston SPCK 2006 A Fulcrum review by Jenny Taylor, Director of Lapido Media Part of the secret of the power of Lesslie Newbigin’s writing is in its consistency and coherence. His life and thought form a prophetic whole, not a series of ad hoc fragments. This is … Continue Reading

The Common Cause of a Common Light

The movement towards a separated North American Anglican church, aligned perhaps with one part of the Anglican Communion and not another, appears to be gaining steam. The focus of the Anglican Communion Network’s official leadership has shifted perceptibly towards this goal, overtly transferring its energies from its work as a coalition of American traditionalist bishops … Continue Reading

Climate and Covenant

Climate and Covenant by David Atkinson, Bishop of Thetford A shorter version of this article was published as “How to make God’s promise good”, in The Church Times, 13 July 2007 and is republished with permission. Global warming is changing more than the climate The climate is changing, and there is now a very high … Continue Reading

Christian Responses to Islam and Islamic Terrorism

Christian responses to Islam, Islamism and ‘Islamic terrorism’ by Colin Chapman republished with permission from ‘Cambridge Papers’ June 2007, The Jubilee Centre, Cambridge Summary Why is it that some Muslims become Islamists and some Islamists turn to violence? A summary of some basic convictions held in varying degrees by all Muslims is followed by an … Continue Reading

The Anglican Covenant: Background and Resources

The Original Proposal The proposal for a covenant was made by the Lambeth Commission on Communion in The Windsor Report published in October 2004. In paras 113-120 of Section C (‘Our Future Life Together’), the Commission discussed the work of the Anglican Communion Legal Advisers’ Network, especially on the common principles of canon law and … Continue Reading

The Anglican Covenant

A Briefing Paper for the Evangelical Group on General Synod by Andrew Goddard What is the proposed Anglican Covenant? The idea of an Anglican Covenant originates in one of the main proposals of The Windsor Report (TWR) as a response to the recent crisis in the Communion. The principles of TWR were supported by General … Continue Reading