‘Listening to learn, Learning to listen’, Fulcrum Newsletter 10 – October 2006

‘Listening to learn, Learning to listen’, Fulcrum Newsletter, October 2006, by The Revd Dr Andrew Goddard, tutor in ethics at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford and a member of the Fulcrum leadership team Dear Fulcrum Friends, The Communion’s listening process on sexuality has recently been given much greater impetus by the appointment of Canon Phil Groves as … Continue Reading

‘The God Delusion’ by Richard Dawkins – Fulcrum Review

‘The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, (Bantam Press, 2006), Fulcrum review’ by The Rt Revd Dr David Atkinson, Bishop of Thetford The God Delusion (Bantam Press 2006) has the same mixture of brilliant rhetoric, passionate anti-theism and (to my mind) faulty argument that we have come to expect from Richard Dawkins, Charles Simonyi Professor for … Continue Reading

Richard Dawkins: Lunging, Flailing, Mispunching

by Terry Eagleton John Edward Taylor Professor of English Literature, University of Manchester The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins Bantam Press, 406pp This article first appeared in the London Review of Books 19 October 2006 and is reproduced with permission Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book … Continue Reading

Review of ‘Faithful Cities’

The Report from the Commission on Urban Life and Faith Church House Publishing / Methodist Publishing House 2006 ISBN 1-85852-315-X click here for further details A Fulcrum Review by Stephen Cox This Report is much needed and very welcome. Its predecessor, the 1985 ‘Faith in the City’ report had a huge impact, lifting the inner … Continue Reading

Scripture and Obedience

The notes in the text are hyperlinked into the end notes; to return to the text, click on the end note number “O that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!” (Psalm 119:5) The authors of the Windsor Report thought it was unnecessary and inexact to speak of the authority of Holy Scripture; … Continue Reading

Fulfilled or Finished? The ‘End’ of the Anglican Communion

The ‘End’ of the Anglican Communion: a Discussion with Inclusive Church The communiqué and other significant theological papers from the recent Global South (GS) meeting in Kigali have once again highlighted the significance of developments in the Anglican Communion over recent decades for our life together. We are clearly witnessing the coming to theological and … Continue Reading

Perichoretic Parenting

‘Perichoretic Parenting’ by The Revd Dr Tom Smail, former lecturer in doctrine at St John’s College, Nottingham and former editor of Theological Renewal My title is at first sight an unlikely verbal combination: the adjective belongs to the highly technical language of Trinitarian theology and the noun to the world of contemporary pastoral concern. I … Continue Reading

‘Insensitive, Provocative, Courageous – or What? Some Reflections on Pope Benedict’s Lecture

by Colin Chapman What can one say that hasn’t already been said about the Pope’s lecture and the furore that has followed it? Probably very little – which is why I will confine myself to seven questions: 1. What was the lecture about? The title of the lecture was ‘Faith, Reason and the University: Memories … Continue Reading

Ethics and Agreement

“Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3) The creed-making labour of the churches of the fourth and fifth centuries left a series of statements to measure orthodox Christian belief, but no authoritative moral concepts or norms. For the classic liberal theology of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries this feature of its … Continue Reading