Mission in Southwark: Reflections on the Process of Reconciliation Following the Coekin Case
A great deal has been written to date on the conduct and fall-out between Revd Richard Coekin and the Bishop of Southwark. I do not propose to go over old ground, and there is much material which can be found elsewhere. Furthermore I do not wish to plough over the legal ramifications which have already … Continue Reading
‘The Choice Before ECUSA’, by Dr N T Wright, Bishop of Durham and a member of the Lambeth Commission which produced The Windsor Report
Introduction There is already a burgeoning literature on the subject of the 61-page Report of the Special Commission on the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. As might be expected, comments, criticisms, suggestions and pleas have been flying around from and in all directions. Having tried to keep up with this over the last few … Continue Reading
‘Shechem, Corinth and Columbus: ECUSA’s Choices’ – Fulcrum Newsletter 8 – June 2006
The notes in the text are hyperlinked into the end notes; to return to the text, click on the end note number Dear Fulcrum friends, The Episcopal Church of the USA faces several choices at its General Convention in Columbus, Ohio, 13-21 June 2006. After sketching the background to, and the context of, the Convention, … Continue Reading
‘Some Ramifications of the Coekin Case’
A Fulcrum Response by Andrew Goddard The instant responses to the judgment in the Coekin case by the Bishop of Winchester and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s determination have perhaps been predictable given the outcome. There is barely restrained delight on the part of Richard Coekin and of evangelicals who supported him such as Anglican Mainstream. … Continue Reading
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s ‘Determination’ on the Licence of Richard Coekin – Fulcrum Response
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s ‘Determination’ has two key parts to it, both of which need weighing carefully. ‘My conclusion is that the revocation of Mr Coekin’s licence be cancelled, for the reasons given in the Bishop [of Winchester’s] Report. The Appellant must, however, understand that the restoration of his licence as a minister in the … Continue Reading
‘Spiritual Fitness’ Christian Character in a Consumer Society by Graham Tomlin – Fulcrum Review
Fulcrum review by Sarah Cawdell of ‘Spiritual Fitness: Christian Character in a Consumer Society’ (London: Continuum, 2006), by Graham Tomlin, Principal of St Paul’s Theological Centre, near Holy Trinity Brompton. Graham Tomlin is principal of St Paul’s Theological Centre, a recent institute, based at St Paul’s Onslow Square and sponsored by Holy Trinity Brompton, London. … Continue Reading
‘Letters to Lydia: ‘beloved Persis’, by Barbara Eaton
A book review of ‘Letters to Lydia: ‘beloved Persis’, by Barbara Eaton (Hypatia Trust, 2005), by John Martin, Head of Communication, Church Mission Society, Fulcrum Media Secretary and Reader in the Stepney Episcopal Area of the Diocese of London. Hypatia Trust, 2005 paperback, 410 pages, price £12.50 ISBN: 1872229549 Originally published in the Church of … Continue Reading
Kenya, Chelmsford and Communion: What are the issues?
The response of the Primate of Kenya to the Bishop of Chelmsford has raised a number of questions about the nature of communion, its impairment and the consequences of such impairment for the wider church when it occurs between bishops. What has happened? At present, even after the recent press release and press conference from … Continue Reading
The Chelmsford/Mt Kenya link must not be allowed to die
by Tim Wambunya Kenya Church Association It has been a sad week reading about the unfortunate events surrounding the visit of Bishop John Gladwin and his team to the dioceses of Mt Kenya. Sad because this is probably the only ‘working’ link between a UK and Kenyan diocese and where the diocesan Bishop is actively … Continue Reading