An Agonistic Ecclesiology – on Ephraim Radner’s “A Brutal Unity”

“One of the most arresting studies of the Christian Church that I know of….Never has disunity been exposed to such a damning indictment as in this book. Rarely has the conciliar path to convergence been portrayed with such insight. But what to do when warring Christians will neither meet nor talk, is a further – and seemingly intractable – question”

The Anglican Communion: Consensus, Conundrum, Consequences, Conversation and Confession

[toggle title_open=”Close Summary” title_closed=”Open for Article Summary” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]To understand where we are and what we need to do in the Communion it is helpful to step back and recognise that, on paper at least, there has been a remarkable Communion consensus despite the disputes of recent years. … Continue Reading