Tributes to Professor Howard Marshall
Ian Paul and others remember the leading evangelical New Testament scholar, Howard Marshall
Ian Paul and others remember the leading evangelical New Testament scholar, Howard Marshall
The book is tough reading, it should have a warning sticker declaring “this book should change your life”….As the church begins to wake up to some forms of violence against women, with a majority focus on trafficking, Elaine’s book brings together lots of strands that have remained (for the most part) disconnected from each other.
As the Paris Climate Change Conference meets, Graham Kings explores climate justice by relating three of the marks of mission to the insights of African Anglican theologians.
A new carol to the tune of Jingle Bells
Ian Paul highlights seven areas “that need a good answer before we go to war again”
A sermon at King’s College Chapel reflecting on Charles Simeon
Graham Kings introduces the Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series by exploring four landscapes of the contemporary world and mission studies: digital, doctrinal, bloody and biographical.
An extract from Oliver O’Donovan’s latest book, “Finding and Seeking: Ethics as Theology, Volume 2”.
What would it mean to move to being an Anglican Federation and is this a likely development?
It is vital that we recognise that this action and the justifications of it announced on Monday raise important moral and legal questions. If not critically assessed, they set potentially very serious precedents which we need to consider carefully