World Anglicanism Today: Review of “Backpacking through the Anglican Communion” by Jesse Zink

The ‘backpacking’ journeys see Jesse in Northern Uganda, Bishop Gwynne College Juba (Sudan), Ecuador, Yei (Sudan), Owerri, Umuahia and Yola (all Nigeria), China and finally two more Sudanese destinations. He has developed a strong bond with Sudan. More of his writing is to be found on his blog and he is becoming an important advocate of the church in Southern Sudan: its story of spontaneous expansion mingled with terrible suffering and deprivation is a challenge to us all.

Evidence for the Resurrection

Co-published with permission. Originally published on Psephizo. ———————————————————— When considering the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection, we need to separate two issues. First, what are the historical facts that require an explanation? And, second, what is the best, most plausible, explanation for those facts? What are the facts to consider in relation to the resurrection? First, … Continue Reading

Which Story? Which King?

Isaiah 59.15b-21; Psalm 72; Luke 19.28-44  A sermon on Palm Sunday in St Salvator’s Chapel, University of St Andrews 13 April 2014  By Professor N. T. Wright, St Mary’s College One way in which mediaeval Britain learned the Christian story was through the Mystery Plays. We used to live in Lichfield, where every three years … Continue Reading

“Rev” should provoke us to think as well as laugh

The latest series of Rev opened with another well-meaning but hapless attempt by Adam Smallbone to please his Archdeacon. This time, Smallbone was seeking to be “present and engaged” in his multi-faith neighbourhood.  The episode contrasted his dwindling flock, and his organisational incompetence, with a large and effective local mosque. The episode provoked a lively … Continue Reading

The Archbishop, Gay Marriage and Violence: What are the issues?

Sadly, but perhaps inevitably, Archbishop Justin’s excellent and wide-ranging LBC phone-in (transcript here and recording here) in which he talked about food banks, Jesus as defining who God is for us, poverty, church and politics, climate change has, in reporting, been almost wholly reduced to one short exchange responding to one of a number of … Continue Reading