The House of Bishops’ Pastoral Guidance on Same-Sex Marriage Part I – Engaging with the Critics

The divisions within the Church of England and the multiple challenges it faces in the light of the advent of same-sex marriage have become even clearer and more serious in the weeks since the House of Bishops Pastoral Guidance.  In what follows I explore three areas where the bishops have been criticised and offer a … Continue Reading

Life, Justice and Peace through Mission and Dialogue

Article for Current Dialogue, for the World Council of Churches conference, Busan, South Korea, 30 October to 8 November 2013 Current Dialogue 55, September 2013, pp 30-36 (Republished with permission) Introduction In these reflections for the 2013 World Council of Churches Conference in Busan, South Korea, and its theme, ‘God of life, lead us to … Continue Reading

Fulcrum response to the House of Bishops Pastoral Statement on same-sex marriages

Fulcrum is grateful to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the House of Bishops for their careful pastoral letter and statement. It is appropriate that the House of Bishops should uphold the present doctrine of the Church in advance of the facilitated conversations on which assurances have been given that they have no pre determined … Continue Reading