The Long Life of an Un-confessed Lie

The Long Life of an Un-confessed Lie by Elaine Storkey first published by Church Times It is interesting how long a lie hangs around. It is more than ten years since tennis icon Andre Agassi used a forbidden drug, but now he admits he lied to the Association of Tennis Professionals to escape a ban. … Continue Reading

The Pope's Anglican Division: Fulcrum Newsletter, November 2009

The Pope’s Anglican Division The Apostolic Constitution setting out the terms on which Anglicans may convert has been published Fulcrum Newsletter, November 2009 Co-published with permission, with Comment is free belief, Guardian online, 9 November 2009 by Graham Kings Bishop of Sherborne and theological secretary of Fulcrum In planning the momentous service in Canterbury Cathedral … Continue Reading

Fulcrum Briefing on ‘The Anti-Homosexuality Bill’ in Uganda

In the last few weeks, attention has been drawn to new legislation proposed in Uganda in the form of “The Anti-Homosexuality Bill”. It proposes extreme measures supposedly to “establish a comprehensive consolidated legislation to protect the traditional family” and “aims at strengthening the nation’s capacity to deal with emerging internal and external threats to the … Continue Reading

David Watson: a legacy

David Watson: A Legacy by Thomas Marshall This year marks the 25th anniversary of the death of Canon David Watson, one-time vicar of St. Michael le Belfrey York; pioneer behind the Renewal movement within the Anglican Church during the 1960s-80s; and much-loved international evangelist. There is so much that the Evangelical Church in Britain today … Continue Reading

John 1v51: Ordination of Bishops, Sermon at the Consecration of Alistair Magowan and Alan Winton

By Anthony Thiselton Sermon at the Consecration of Alistair Magowan as Bishop of Ludlow and Alan Winton as Bishop of Thetford, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 29 September 2009 “Truly, I tell you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending & descending upon the Son of Man” (John 1: 51).On this St Michael … Continue Reading

Gays, greed and biblical orthodoxy

Gays, greed and biblical orthodoxy by Jon Kuhrt I have watched with interest the reactions to Stephen Kuhrt’s article about the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCAUK) and its role within the controversies about gay and lesbian relationships within the Church. Stephen called for “a careful, nuanced and loving engagement with the issue, its complexities and … Continue Reading

Changing Sexual Orientation and Identity? The APA Report

Changing Sexual Orientation and Identity? The APA Report by Andrew Goddard and Glynn Harrison As Christians believe that all truth is God’s truth, in seeking to understand any phenomenon and to develop a practical Christian response to it, it is vital we understand and take into account the best evidence available from scientific research and … Continue Reading

Mission Thoughts

Mission Thoughts By John Martin Christians care Ruth Coggan, daughter of Donald Coggan, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, spent nearly 30 years working as a CMS missionary doctor on the northwest frontier in the Afghan border region of Pakistan. One day, while travelling on a local bus, she suddenly realised she’d forgotten to pay the … Continue Reading

Christians: armchair critics or positive change makers?

Christians: armchair critics or positive change-makers? By Matthew Vaughan In 2007 a study by the Barna Group, an organisation which describes itself as a “research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture”, published a report into public perceptions of Christianity in the USA1. The findings of the report are striking. Among the most … Continue Reading