Problems with the The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans United Kingdom (FCAUK)

Problems with the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans UK by Stephen Kuhrt pre-published, with permission, from The Church of England Newspaper, 16th October 2009 First of all I’d like to express my thanks to the Church of England Evangelical Council for this invitation to address it on the issue of The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans United … Continue Reading

There's Something about Mary

There’s Something about Mary by Craig Uffman One of the things I love about Anglicanism is that the Lord gathers such a motley crew around the table to which he beckons us. Each time I read the reflections of others on St. Mary the Virgin (whom the Church has historically known as Theotokos (“Mother of … Continue Reading

The Darkness we call Providence

The Darkness we call Providence by Tim Dean Is there any point to a doctrine of providence, can it be said to be of any practical consequence for humankind? For ‘Providence’ may appear to raise many insuperable problems and offer very little light. Even if it is right to conclude that the doctrine is of … Continue Reading

The Church of England and Islam: Hospitality and Embassy – Theologies of Religion in Process: Part IV Generous Love – 2008 and Beyond

The Church of England and Islam: Hospitality and Embassy – Theologies of Religion in Process 4. Generous Love – 2008 and Beyond by Richard Sudworth Part IV of IV (see parts I, II, III) The final point of analysis for this study will be the 2008 report, Generous Love: the truth of the Gospel and … Continue Reading

Of delight and a tooth

Of delight and a tooth by Simon Cawdell “Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.” Mark 9:37 (From … Continue Reading

The Church of England and Islam: Hospitality and Embassy – Theologies of Religion in Process: Part III Initiatives of the Church of England

The Church of England and Islam: Hospitality and Embassy – Theologies of Religion in Process 3. Initiatives of the Church of England By Richard Sudworth Part III of IV (see parts I, II, IV) For many years, the Church of England was content to focus national initiatives on relations with Islam through ecumenical groupings, and … Continue Reading

People must come first: there are many ways of being conservative, Fulcrum Newsletter, September 2009:

People must come first: there are many ways of being Conservative Fulcrum Newsletter, September 2009 By Dr Graham Kings, Bishop of Sherborne Co-published, with permission, with Comment is free belief, Guardian online, 11 September 2009 By plotting a graph of the expansion of the monasteries throughout the Middle Ages we might easily have concluded that … Continue Reading

The Church of England and Islam: Hospitality and Embassy – Theologies of Religion in Process: Part II Lambeth 1988 and 1998

The Church of England and Islam: Hospitality and Embassy – Theologies of Religion in Process 2. Lambeth 1988 and 1998 By Richard Sudworth Part II of IV (see part I, III,IV) It is with the Lambeth Conference of 1988 that a more systematic attempt was made to order Anglican interfaith relations and to provide a … Continue Reading

The Pharoah’s Concubine and the Egyptian Slave

The Pharoah’s Concubine and the Egyptian Slave by Jody Stowell (this article was first published in an abbreviated form on sophianetwork and is published with permission) Quite often when we start to look at the thorny issue of the place of women in the Church, we forget that this debate is intensely personal.It is easy to talk ‘theologically’, … Continue Reading