Hugh Palmer's talk at the 2009 Fulcrum Conference
These posts are by guest authors for Fulcrum
BLESSING: A Scriptural and Theological Reflection by Ephraim Radner, Wycliffe College The following paper was presented to the clergy conference of the Diocese of Ontario on June 16, 2009 In May, 2007 the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada issued a Pastoral Statement on same-sex blessings. At the end of the statement, … Continue Reading
Glacial Gravity or Opportunist Autonomy? Fulcrum Newsletter June 2009 by Graham Kings, Bishop of Sherborne prepublished, with permission, from the Church of England Newspaper, 3 July 2009 discuss this newsletter on the forum thread Glaciers, moving slowly and powerfully, reshape the landscape. They work through gravity. It may be that the Anglican Covenant appears to … Continue Reading
Should we all join the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans? by Andrew Goddard The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA) launches in the UK on 6th July, just over a year after it was formed at the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in Jerusalem At that time I was unclear what to make of GAFCON and appealed … Continue Reading
The Christian Code Sermon: Professor David F Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11; Galatians 3:23-end; Luke 1:57-66, 80 at the ordination and consecration of Graham Kings to be Bishop of Sherborne, 24 June 2009, Westminster Abbey A voice says, ‘Cry out!’ And I said, ‘What shall I cry?’(Isaiah 40:6) A … Continue Reading
Pentecost Prose Poem by Graham Kings It seems to me that the Holy Spirit may appropriately be called ‘He’ or ‘She’, but not ‘It’, for the Spirit is profoundly personal not a simple force. For a change, let’s try ‘She’. She bubbles like a spring, tumbles like a waterfall, meanders like a river and welcomes … Continue Reading
Christology, Messianism and Jewish-Christian relations by Tim Dean For Christians down the ages, the foundational Christological idea that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah has determined the Church’s attitudes to Judaism and Jews. Jewish expectation of the coming of the Messiah proceeds unabated since the birth of Christianity. In Jewish prayer books and recited regularly … Continue Reading
Why I am still an Anglican by Tim Goodbody This article began life from an online discussion between Cranmer’s Curate (Revd Julian Mann) and myself. Cranmer’s Curate published what amounts to an abridged version of what follows here on his blog on the 29th of April 2009. At the time that discussion started I was … Continue Reading
Hugh Palmer's talk at the 2009 Fulcrum Conference
These posts are by guest authors for Fulcrum
Jane Morris's talk at the 2009 Fulcrum Conference
These posts are by guest authors for Fulcrum