Adrian Chatfield's talk at the 2009 Fulcrum Conference
These posts are by guest authors for Fulcrum
Adrian Chatfield's talk at the 2009 Fulcrum Conference
These posts are by guest authors for Fulcrum
Group facilitation guidelines for 2009 Conference
These posts are by guest authors for Fulcrum
‘Picasso: Challenging the Past’ at the National Gallery A Reflection by Elizabeth Adekunle Picasso for the 21st-century Pablo Picasso is regarded as the most prolific and arguably one of the greatest and most popular artists of the 20th-century. Born in Malaga in Spain, he lived in France for most of his life and died in … Continue Reading
As someone brought up in the Church of Scotland (the Presbyterian established church, not to be confused with the Scottish Episcopal Church), it is distressing to see that denomination heading rapidly into the sort of conflict and division that has marked the Anglican Communion over homosexuality. It has also been intriguing to see in the … Continue Reading
Gay Marriage Would Undermine a Sacred Institution republished, with permission, from Comment is Free Belief, Guardian Online, 1 May 2009 by Andrew Goddard Why are the overwhelming majority of Christians opposed to "gay marriage"? Is this just homophobia? While homophobia sometimes plays a part, it would be unwise and unfair – perhaps even ignorant and … Continue Reading
Between the Primates’ Meeting and the ACC February to May 2009 Fulcrum Newsletter, April 2009 by Graham Kings co-published with the Church of England Newspaper, 1 May 2009 Something imperceptible and intangible seems to have happened at the Primates’ Meeting in Alexandria in February 2009. It is not clear how or what. ‘The wind blows … Continue Reading
The Reading Church Scriptural Authority in Practice a lecture given at St Mary Islington, 27 April 2009, at the launch of his book ‘A Conversation Waiting to Begin: the Churches and the Gay Controversy’ (SCM Press, 2009) an extract was copublished in the Church Times, 1 May 2009 by The Revd Professor Oliver O’Donovan FBA … Continue Reading
New Bishop of Sherborne: Rev’d Canon Graham Kings Fulcrum welcomes the appointment of Rev’d. Canon Graham Kings as the new Bishop of Sherborne. Graham has been theological Secretary of Fulcrum since its inception, and was instrumental in its coming into being. Fulcrum has constantly benefitted from Graham’s passion and enthusiasm, and his willingness not to … Continue Reading
Acts 10.34–43; John 20.1–18 a sermon at the Eucharist in Durham Cathedral on Easter Day 2009 copublished with the NT Wright page Let beauty awake in the morn from beautiful dreams, Beauty awake from rest! Let Beauty awake For Beauty’s sake In the hour when the birds awake in the brake And the stars are … Continue Reading