Rowan's Rule: a review of the biography of an Archbishop by Rupert Shortt

Rowan’s Rule: a review of the biography of an Archbishop by Rupert Shortt by Jordan Hylden republished, with permission, from First Things and Covenant Rowan Williams is without doubt one of the most significant and learned theologians in the English-speaking world. Unfortunately, during his tenure at Canterbury, it has at times seemed that he has … Continue Reading

Fulcrum Statement on Concerns raised by the Book Review of 'Global Jihad' and Responses

Fulcrum Statement on Concerns raised by the Book Review of ‘Global Jihad’ and Responses In the last few days a number of people have expressed concern to Fulcrum Leadership Team members about Fulcrum’s alleged treatment of Patrick Sookhdeo. It would appear that much of this concern has been caused by allegations in an anonymous article … Continue Reading

The Anglicans in Egypt: a Deeper Communion by Jordan Hylden

The Anglicans in Egypt A Deeper Communion republished, with permission, from First Things and Covenant 11 February 2009 by Jordan Hylden “Are we a global church, or are we a federation of local bodies?” At the close of last week’s meeting of the Anglican primates in Egypt, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams thus set … Continue Reading

Barnabas Fund response to Ben White’s Review of Patrick Sookhdeo’s book ‘Global Jihad’

Barnabas Fund Response to Ben White’s Book Review of Patrick Sookhdeo, Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam, (McLean, VA, USA: Isaac Publishing, 2007)   by David Zeidan and Tawfik Hamid 1.David Zeidan Introduction Ben White’s review of Patrick Sookhdeo’s Global Jihad, published on the Fulcrum website, is a robust critique of the author’s stance on the issues addressed in the book. … Continue Reading

Charles Darwin: a Fulcrum Appreciation

Charles Darwin (1809-1882): A Fulcrum Appreciation by Michael Roberts February 12th 2009 sees the bicentenary of Darwin’s birth. Along with Isaac Newton he was one of the greatest British scientists, though his science is still controversial. To some he was a great scientist and to others the devil incarnate! He was a quiet family man, … Continue Reading

Families Valued

Families Valued by Jon Kuhrt republished, with permission, from Third Way, December 2008 It is almost impossible to speak about the family without being accused of launching a moral crusade, blaming the victim, or hitting at the most vulnerable – as if what was at stake were the self esteem of the parents, instead of … Continue Reading

Suffer Little Children: Why does God permit it?

Sermon preached at St Mary Islington, 18 January 2009 by Professor Andrew Bush I want to start by telling you about someone I will call Geoffrey. Geoffrey was born with cystic fibrosis, a condition which causes him to have chronic chest infections which require him to spend many hours a week on treatment and which will eventually kill … Continue Reading

Formed by God through Scripture in the Daily Office – Fulcrum Newsletter 26, January 2009

An address given at the Covenant Conference, Church of the Incarnation, Dallas, 6 December 2008, co-published with Covenant Introduction Apart from ‘Daily Prayer’, ‘The Office’ reminds me of two things: firstly, the popular English comedy series, which was recontexualised in Pennsylvania; and secondly an excellent name for a pub. If I ever owned a pub … Continue Reading