Patrick Sookhdeo's book 'Global Jihad: the Future in the Face of Militant Islam': a Fulcrum review

Fulcrum Book Review of Patrick Sookhdeo, Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam VA, USA: Isaac Publishing, 2007 by Ben White Since September 11 2001, there has been a huge growth in the number of books that seek, in different ways, to explain and analyse the phenomenon of high-profile violent attacks by … Continue Reading

Byzantium Exhibtion at the Royal Academy of Arts: a Fulcrum review

Byzantium Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts a Fulcrum review by Elizabeth Adekunle The exhibition organised by the National Gallery and the Benaki Museum in Athens is truly awesome, covering 10 rooms at the Royal Academy. The main part of the gallery is Byzantium 330-1450, documenting the history of the early church, using a … Continue Reading

Doug Pagitt's book 'A Christianity Worth Believing': a Fulcrum review

Fulcrum Book Review of Doug Pagitt’s A Christianity Worth Believing Jossey-Bass, 2008 ISBN 978-0-7879-9812-7 by James Mercer Doug Pagitt is the pastor of Solomon’s Porch in Minneapolis, a fellowship self-styled as ‘an holistic, missional Christian community’. Pagitt is one of the founders of Emergent Village, a social network of Christian leaders around the world ( … Continue Reading

Steve Clifford: New Evangelical Alliance Director General

Evangelical Alliance New General Director: Steve Clifford Fulcrum is delighted with the news that Steve Clifford is to be the next General Director of the Evangelical Alliance. Steve Clifford worked as a teacher in the 1980s before taking up full-time church leadership in 1985. He has been long been involved in church planting, running leadership … Continue Reading

Israel's Targets in Gaza

Israel’s Targets in Gaza by Ben White Republished, with permission, from the New Statesman, 6 January 2009 In just the first six days of ‘Operation Cast Lead’, the Israeli Air Force carried out more than 500 sorties against targets in the Gaza Strip. That meant an attack from the air roughly every 18 minutes for … Continue Reading

The ACNA Constitution: in Line with the Covenant?

The ACNA Constitution: in Line with the Covenant? by Ephraim Radner copublished, with permission, with the Anglican Communion Institute, 5 January 2009 Work in formulating and adopting an Anglican Covenant is proceeding, and with renewed focus. I judge this to be the case despite some vocal claims that the project is both pointless and perverse. … Continue Reading

Incarnation and Establishment

republished, with permission, from the Diocese of Durham site, 25 December 2008 Sermon at the Eucharist on Christmas Morning, 2008 in the Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin and St Cuthbert of Durham I listened yesterday morning with growing frustration to a clip on the Today programme in which a bishop and a … Continue Reading

Annoucing the King (not quite as expected)

Announcing the King (not quite as expected) by James Mercer Alexandra Burke’s ‘X Factor’ ‘Hallelujah’, a reworking of Leonard Cohen’s original beautiful song, is deeply rooted in the Old Testament story. It alludes (amongst other things) to David, the ‘model’, the ‘ideal’ king of Israel, God’s anointed one. As the song intimates, David whilst chosen, … Continue Reading

Time for Something New

Time for Something New by John Watson It seems we are always playing catch up with life. Time is seen as an enemy, when we’re feeling the lack of it. Time is seen as drudgery when we’re bored or young and a thing to accept or even fear when we are old. Time is a … Continue Reading