Christmas Carol – Lord, you left your heavenly glory
A Christmas carol
A Christmas carol
mother’s head is lightly inclined; baby’s body is safe and special, sound and secure, encircled, enfolded, enwrapped, embraced: welcome wonderful world. Graham KingsThe Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings is Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Ely and Research Associate at the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide.
What I have learned these past five years: Reflections in Advent 2008 by Ephraim Radner republished, with permission, from the Anglican Communion Institute, 15 December 2008 The last few years of struggle within the Episcopal Church (TEC) and within the Anglican Communion have taken their toll on many persons and congregations, and on our common … Continue Reading
Fulcrum Response to the CEEC Statement and Motion of 4 December 2008 Fulcrum welcomes the tone and constructive attitude of the Church of England Evangelical Council’s statement and motion (4 December 2008). We hope this will mean new beginnings for the way evangelical Anglicans take counsel together. Fulcrum believes it is vital CEEC becomes recognized … Continue Reading
News Worth Sharing copublished with the Guardian Comment is Free site, 12 December 2008 by Graham Kings ‘But I always liked Jesus better than you. He seemed so gracious and you seemed so … ‘ ‘Mean? Sad, isn’t it? He came to show people who I am and most folks only believe it about him. … Continue Reading
The Dubious and the Dutiful: Responding to the Financial Slump copublished with The Guardian Comment is Free site, 5 December 2008 by Nick Spencer Religion often does rather well during recessions, but what kinds of religion will flourish in the slump? During the 1930s, UK church attendance rose. Four decades later, its (already precipitous) decline … Continue Reading
Keep on Giving: Responding to the Financial Slump copublished with The Guardian Comment is Free site, 4 December 2008 by Graham Kings When asked why he had robbed a bank, Willie Sutton, a 19th-century outlaw, replied "Because that’s where the money is." A wonderful answer, but with the slump affecting our plans for Christmas, our … Continue Reading
Our Responsibility in the Congo by Elaine Storkey republished, with permission, from The Church Times, 7 November 2008 It is common to contrast the breathtaking natural beauty of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo with the barbarism of the armed conflict there. The tall mountains, sparkling lakes, and fertile mango forests seem too pure a … Continue Reading
Allusions and Illusions: Advent Reflections by Graham Kings prepublished, with permission, from the Church of England Newspaper 28 November 2008 The season of Advent, with its allusions and illusions, approaches us this Sunday from the future. We are called to understand the ‘present’ from the perspective of the ‘end’. The ultimate presence of the returning … Continue Reading
Fulcrum Gift Aid Declaration Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Postcode: ………………………………………………………….. Telephone: ………………………………………………………….. Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘Fulcrum’ for £ ……………… I want the charity to treat all donations I have made since 20 January 2004, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I … Continue Reading