The Restoration of Evangelicalism: Differences without Division

The Restoration of Evangelicalism: Differences without Division copublished with The Guardian Comment is Free site, 17 November 2008 by Graham Kings Too often, in the past and today, the word ‘evangelical’ has been besmirched. It needs restoring as ‘good news’ in all its generous influence and call to authentic living, in following the way of … Continue Reading

NEAC 2008: an Evangelical Dutch Report

NEAC 2008: a Evangelical Dutch Report by Wim Houtman pre-published, with permission, from Nederlands Dagblad, 17 November 2008 “This morning was good: an atmosphere of reflection and unity. But this afternoon things went wrong.” Bishop Keith Sinclair of Birkenhead, speaker on a conference of evangelicals within the Church of England on Saturday, could not say … Continue Reading

Nourishing Unity? NEAC 2008 – Fulcrum Newsletter 25, November 2008

Nourishing Unity? NEAC 2008 Fulcrum Newsletter, November 2008 by Graham Kings copublished, with permission, from The Church Times, 14 November 2008 Unity amongst Evangelicals in the Church of England is urgently needed at this crucial moment in the Anglican Communion. We are committed to the teaching of the Communion on sexuality and opposed to the … Continue Reading

Hopes for NEAC 2008: a personal reflection

Hopes for NEAC 2008: A Personal Reflection by Andrew Goddard Next Saturday, November 15th, sees the convening of a National Evangelical Anglican Consultation (NEAC) at All Souls, Langham Place in London. It has been called by the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC). In contrast to the large-scale NEACs of Keele (1967), Nottingham (1977), Caister … Continue Reading

Preventing CEEC becoming a 'Rump Parliament'

Preventing CEEC from becoming a ‘Rump Parliament’ by Stephen Kuhrt prepublished, with permission, from the Church of England Newspaper, 14 November 2008 ‘Rump’ is a term that originally referred to the hind end of an animal. Since the seventeenth century, however, its use has been expanded to speak of any unrepresentative remnant left in power … Continue Reading

Life after Lambeth – Fulcrum Newsletter 24, October 2008

Life After Lambeth Fulcrum Newsletter, October 2008 by Andrew Goddard Dear Fulcrum friends, Earlier this month Ripon & Leeds DEF hosted a day conference on Life after Lambeth. I spoke alongside Bishop John Ellison, recently retired bishop of Paraguay who was at GAFCON (and reported the day on Anglican Mainstream) and Bishop Martin Wallace, Bishop … Continue Reading

Mission Shaped Church or Church Shaped Mission: A Continuing Conversation

Whatever we think about this question and whatever theological and observational critiques we bring to the current trends in local church shaping, there are at least two things that God’s people (traditionally, historically and scripturally) affirm regarding God’s activity: namely that God is for the healing of the world and that God is not an … Continue Reading

Listening and Mission – A Response to Dr Ephraim Radner Truthful Language and Orderly Separation

Listening and Mission A Response to Dr Ephraim Radner Truthful Language and Orderly Separation Phil Groves The Facilitator for the Listening Process in the Anglican Communion In his paper Truthful Language and Orderly Separation Dr Radner has offered the Anglican Communion a long reflection in the post Lambeth Conference context. In it he urges us … Continue Reading

The Shack: A Review

THE SHACK by William P Young (USA: Windblown Media, 2007) A Fulcrum Review by Jody Stowell I freely admit that Christian novellas are not usually my thing, so even though ‘The Shack’ was a book that was recommended to me, I have to say that at first it was simply added to my ‘list of … Continue Reading