Consequences of Climate Change in sub-Saharan Africa by Anthony Poggo

Consequences of Climate Change in sub-Saharan Africa by Anthony Poggo, Bishop of Kajo-Keji Province of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan a paper given to the Self Select Group on Climate Change Lambeth Conference 31 July 2008 Introduction Climate changes in many parts of Africa and especially Sudan have been conspicuous and noticeable. The apparent … Continue Reading

True Christian Unity? Reflections on the Lambeth Conference 2008

True Christian Unity? Reflections on the Lambeth Conference 2008 by Ephraim Radner Anyone who has observed the Anglican Communion over the past few months knows that the outcome to the recent Lambeth Conference is not simply going to be smooth sailing for our churches. The press itself has veered wildly in its evaluation of the … Continue Reading

Patience and Urgency: Lambeth Conference 2008 – Fulcrum Newsletter 23, August 2008

Patience and Urgency Lambeth Conference 2008 Fulcrum Newsletter, August 2008 by Graham Kings vicar of St Mary Islington and theological secretary of Fulcrum pre-published, with permission, from The Church of England Newspaper, 22 August 2008 Dear Fulcrum friends, Africa’s wisdom emerges especially in her proverbs. I love this Kiswahili saying which comes from the market … Continue Reading

“The Church is not inclusive”

An interview with Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Wim Houtman, Religion Editor of the Dutch evangelical daily newspaper, Nederlands Dagblad. Much more recently than in his eight year old letter quoted by Ruth Gledhill of The Times, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams offered his views on homosexuality, showing a shift towards a more … Continue Reading

Out of the Fog, a Way Ahead

Wim Houtman is Religion Editor of the Dutch evangelical daily newspaper,Nederlands Dagblad CANTERBURY – So the Lambeth Conference is over, with no clear decisions or binding resolutions, only a Final Reflections Statement that leaves much to be desired in terms of clarity and readability. And yet, a scenario of sorts has emerged over the last … Continue Reading

Forgotten Third Voice: Generosity Rebuffed? An observation on Canterbury's Second Presidential Address by Michael Poon

The Forgotten Third Voice: Generosity Rebuffed? An Observation on the Second Presidental Address of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Lambeth Conference 2008 by Michael Poon Archbishop Rowan Williams’ second presidential address, delivered near the mid-point of the Lambeth Conference, is most disappointing and worrying. The Archbishop calls for acts of generous initiatives from both … Continue Reading