GAFCON and The Anglican Covenant

GAFCON and The Anglican Covenant by Andrew Goddard One of the most serious questions left unanswered after the GAFCON conference was where the movement stood in relation to the proposed Anglican covenant. That question now appears to have been answered fairly unequivocally in two documents (from the GAFCON Theological Resource Team) on the St Andrew’s … Continue Reading

Disagreeing Christianly: Unity, Humility and Prophecy – Fulcrum Newsletter 22, July 2008

Disagreeing Christianly Unity, Humility and Prophecy Fulcrum Newsletter, July 2008 by Graham Kings vicar of St Mary Islington and theological secretary of Fulcrum an edited version of an address given to the Diocese of Lichfield World Mission Conference at Swanwick, Derbyshire, on 8 July 2008 pre-published, with permission, from The Church of England Newspaper, 18 … Continue Reading

A Brief Response to Gregory Cameron's Hellins Lecture on Anglicans and the Future of the Communion

A Brief Response to Gregory Cameron’s Hellins Lecture on Anglicans and the Future of the Communion by Michael Poon Gregory Cameron’s recent lecture is a most sensitive treatment on the Anglican Communion today. His position as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Communion and as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s confidant makes his proposal all the more … Continue Reading

Faulty Orientation Argument of Alan Harper

The Faulty Orientation Argument of Anglican Archbishop Harper of Ireland by Robert A J Gagnon Archbishop Alan Harper, Anglican Primate of Ireland, has produced a paper that misreads the rejection of homosexual practice in Romans 1:24-27 in an effort to promote a “revisionist” interpretation favorable to committed homosexual unions. The paper is entitled, “Holy Scripture … Continue Reading

A Humble Moment: sermon by Jeremy Begbie at the consecration of Chris Cocksworth and David Thomson

A Humble Moment by Jeremy Begbie A sermon preached at the Ordination and Consecration of The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Cocksworth to be Bishop of Coventry, and The Venerable Dr David Thomson to be Bishop of Huntingdon Southwark Cathedral, London, 3 July 2008 John 20.24-29 Not so long ago on prime-time TV, Sir Alan Sugarhad … Continue Reading

The GAFCON Movement and the Anglican Communion

The GAFCON Movement and The Anglican Communion by Andrew Goddard Although much remains unclear, there is no doubt that the Statement on the Global Anglican Future issued last weekend and its 14-point Jerusalem Declaration mark a significant development in Anglicanism. For some people the response to this is obvious – either unquestioning elation and talk … Continue Reading

Fulcrum Response to GAFCON Final Statement

Fulcrum Response to GAFCON Final Statement In the Final Statement of GAFCON, we have found encouragements but also have some very grave questions about strategy which need serious consideration: Encouragements include: No schism in the Anglican Communion – it seems that Peter Jensen, amongst others, has insisted on this the tone is serious and not … Continue Reading