Carving and Comments on the Cross

Kenyan Carving to Ponder Benson Ndaka St Andrew’s College, Kabare, Kenya Comments to Ponder Jürgen Moltmann The Crucified God (London: SCM Press, 1974) Christians who do not have the feeling that they must flee the crucified Christ have probably not yet understood him in a sufficiently radical way. (p38) When the crucified Jesus is called … Continue Reading

Easter Images

The Resurrection photo by Dennis Morris For the five other photographs of the ‘Easter Images’ project, click here. For details of the project – a partnership between the Diocese of London, the Church Mission Society, Dennis Morris and young people in Islington – click here and here and here. Fulcrum

Dilemmas of the Law in a Multicultural Society by Jenny Taylor

Dilemmas of the Law in a Multicultural Society Paper given at the Whitefield Institute Seminar, Oxford, 16 March 1998 Part 1 By Dr Jenny Taylor Introduction There exist in Britain now significant religious minorities seeking to live their lives in accordance with legal systems that have evolved in very different ways, and in a very … Continue Reading

Dilemmas of the Law in a Multicultural Society (2) by Jenny Taylor

Dilemmas of the Law in a Multicultural Society [part 2] by Jenny Taylor This principle is not only useless when it comes to protecting female citizens from religious exploitation by their unequal male relatives, it is more generally fallacious. Anthony Bradney based his doctoral research into the law’s purported neutrality by reference to the principle … Continue Reading

Dilemmas of the Law in a Multicultural Society (3) by Jenny Taylor

Dilemmas of the Law in a Multicultural Society [part 3] by Jenny Taylor 3. Some Twentieth Century Writers on the Religion and Law According to Phil Harris (1980), the law consists of rules that are normative, and invite official retaliation if broken. Ronald Dworkin (1985) defines the law somewhat loftily as ‘rule by a coherent … Continue Reading

Seeing God through Painting by Elizabeth Adekunle

Seeing God through Painting by Elizabeth Adekunle sermon given at St John’s College, Cambridge 24 February 2008 Figurative religious painting is a tradition that has been around for thousands of years. Holy Images such as the Madonna and Child or Jesus as Pantocrator have inspired icons, rituals, feasts, shrines, hymns myths and miracles. These are … Continue Reading

Learning in Haiti by Elaine Storkey

Learning in Haiti by Elaine Storkey Being with Christians in other cultures is always a time of learning. This month’s lessons took place for me in Haiti, a Caribbean country described as one of the world’s poorest nations outside Africa. And indeed it is a place rife with problems. More than half of its population … Continue Reading