Star Witness

Star Witness

by Mark Greene

(re-published with permission)

The heavens declare, and though many an eye

Has paused to stare at star-studded sky,

And seen creator in creation as bright as day,

And though he himself did plainly decree

That the stones would cry out his glory,

Still, they never take us quite seriously.

We material objects are thought far too dumb,

Our sensibilities too numb, to utter mystery.

No, humans, deaf to stone, in time fleeting blips,

Are gone too soon to learn our song or read our lips.

But was it not I who left a trail across the sky,

For those fellow-followers who followed me,

And saw in my loyal arc, an announcement of majesty?

And could any deny my speech was as clear to the magi

As Philip’s was to Nathanael’s questioning heart when he

Gave simply reply: ‘Come and see’? Come and see.

Mark is LICC’s Executive Director and has been in post since 1999. Before that he served as Vice-Principal and Lecturer in Communications at the London School of Theology.

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