In responding to the proposed amendments I have two principles. I want to see women bishops, equal with men, as soon as possible. I want to do justice to Lambeth 1998 III.2, supported by General Synod in 2006,

In responding to the proposed amendments I have two principles. I want to see women bishops, equal with men, as soon as possible. I want to do justice to Lambeth 1998 III.2, supported by General Synod in 2006,
Canterbury, the Communion and CNC by Andrew Goddard Last week the Church of England’s Crown Nomination Commission (CNC) met for the first time to consider the vacancy of the See of Canterbury. There are already apparently complaints about its unrepresentative composition but one element in particular must cause concern. As reported earlier in May by … Continue Reading
The St Matthias Day Statement (CEEC): Comment by Andrew Goddard and Statement Text Comment by Andrew Goddard The St Matthias Day Statement issued on Monday of this week by the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) seeks to offer a theological contribution to the debates in church and society surrounding marriage and sexual relationships. It … Continue Reading
The Anglican Communion Covenant and the Church of England: Ramifications by Andrew Goddard It is now clear that less than half the dioceses of the Church of England will agree, in both their house of clergy and house of laity, to “approve the draft Act of Synod adopting the Anglican Communion Covenant”. This article attempts … Continue Reading
Should we Redefine Marriage? By Andrew Goddard Recognising the Cultural Terrain Over 185,000 people have already signed the Coalition for Marriage (C4M) petition which states “I support the legal definition of marriage which is the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others. I oppose any attempt … Continue Reading
co-published with the Church of England Newspaper 23 December 2011 Life is always more interesting when things don’t go as planned. That alone should make the Anglican Communion Covenant interesting in 2012. General Synod rarely refers matters to dioceses. When it does, it often seems – as with women bishops – a procedural necessity with … Continue Reading
originally published by The Living Church Much about the proposed Anglican Communion Covenant has caused controversy, but one fact does seem incontrovertible: It is Section 4, “Our Covenanted Life Together,” that for many is most troublesome. It was the section which changed the most through the various drafts and the section which continues to be … Continue Reading
What has been announced? Two new developments have been announced. 1. In relation to the 2005 Statement on Civil Partnerships a review has been established and will be completed in 2012 (although there is no commitment to publish it then). It will include considering whether priests in civil partnerships can become bishops. 2. There is … Continue Reading
Wisdom from the Scots: The CofE and Same-sex Unions by Andrew Goddard and Giles Goddard This article appeared in Church Times, 20 May 2011 part of the ongoing conversation in the Goddard 2 Goddard series Six months ago, in his presidential address to the General Synod, the Archbishop of Canterbury described the “need for some … Continue Reading
Alternative Vote Reflections by Andrew Goddard In a few days we get the chance to decide whether or not to adopt a new electoral system. The choice we are being given is limited – either the current mis-named ‘first past the post’ (FPTP) system or the Alternative Vote (AV). While many would have preferred other … Continue Reading