Defending Jerry Springer – The Opera
Mark Thompson, BBC Director General defends the decision to broadcast Jerry Springer, the Opera as upholding free speech. Fulcrum
Mark Thompson, BBC Director General defends the decision to broadcast Jerry Springer, the Opera as upholding free speech. Fulcrum
Rowan Williams’s BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme transcript Fulcrum
The Interview, BBC World Service, with Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, Archbishop of Kaduna state in Nigeria. Fulcrum
Do NOT show! Fulcrum
Click here for details of the forthcoming Awesome Conference, “How women Lead” this September. Keynote Speaker Rev. Canon Ann Dyer, Warden of Cranmer Hall, Durham. Fulcrum
The Primates’ Statement, like the Windsor Report, manifests long term solutions, rather than precipitous dissolution, for the Anglican Communion. We welcome their statement which builds on the profound theological insights of the Windsor Report, provides sensible provision for voluntary discipline in terms of a 3 year withdrawal of the provinces of ECUSA and Canada from … Continue Reading
We consider this to be a very significant, thoughtful, in-depth, report with vital recommendations which could hold the Anglican Communion together. Clearly, it has teeth and is not a fudge. It is a much more conservative than liberal document. It is against excessive provincial autonomy, and the ‘pre-emptive strikes’ of the dioceses of New Hampshire, … Continue Reading
From the Journal of Anglican Studies Fulcrum