Thoughts on how we can work together in a parish.

John Martin is Associate Editor (Global News) with the US-based Living Church and has been a member of the Fulcrum Leadership Team since its inception.
John Martin shares memories of Billy Graham and reflects on his life and ministry
John Martin outlines the new post of Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, which Dr Graham Kings, currently Bishop of Sherborne, takes up on 16 July 2015. He gives some background to Dr Kings’s life and vocation and to the post, which was created by a partnership of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Durham University and the Church Mission Society.
The ‘backpacking’ journeys see Jesse in Northern Uganda, Bishop Gwynne College Juba (Sudan), Ecuador, Yei (Sudan), Owerri, Umuahia and Yola (all Nigeria), China and finally two more Sudanese destinations. He has developed a strong bond with Sudan. More of his writing is to be found on his blog and he is becoming an important advocate of the church in Southern Sudan: its story of spontaneous expansion mingled with terrible suffering and deprivation is a challenge to us all.
Thoughts on how we can work together in a parish.
John Martin is Associate Editor (Global News) with the US-based Living Church and has been a member of the Fulcrum Leadership Team since its inception.
John Martin reviews Andrew Goddard's timely memoire of the Archiepiscopate of Rowan Williams
John Martin is Associate Editor (Global News) with the US-based Living Church and has been a member of the Fulcrum Leadership Team since its inception.
Charles Wesley’s hymn ‘Forth in thy name O Lord I go, my daily labour to pursue…” is a classic statement of how early Methodists understood the role of the Christian in the workplace. One stanza goes: Thee may I set at my right hand, Whose eyes mine inmost substance see, And labour on at Thy … Continue Reading
by John Martin There’s nothing new about rapture predictions, just that the Internet means more people hear about them. Counted among my friends is a very unusual Seventh-Day Adventist. An American, he was for some years based in England as general secretary of the movement in this country. His father and grandfather before him were … Continue Reading
Pope Benedict and the Enigma of English Christianity by John Martin published with the kind permission of The Living Church In London’s East End stand two churches commemorating religious martyrs. A plaque in St. James Clerkenwell celebrates a line of succession from the Lollards, whose inspiration was the Bible translator John Wycliffe, to people burned at … Continue Reading
Mission Thoughts By John Martin Christians care Ruth Coggan, daughter of Donald Coggan, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, spent nearly 30 years working as a CMS missionary doctor on the northwest frontier in the Afghan border region of Pakistan. One day, while travelling on a local bus, she suddenly realised she’d forgotten to pay the … Continue Reading
A book review of ‘Letters to Lydia: ‘beloved Persis’, by Barbara Eaton (Hypatia Trust, 2005), by John Martin, Head of Communication, Church Mission Society, Fulcrum Media Secretary and Reader in the Stepney Episcopal Area of the Diocese of London. Hypatia Trust, 2005 paperback, 410 pages, price £12.50 ISBN: 1872229549 Originally published in the Church of … Continue Reading