The Anglican Communion Covenant: Interdependence or Independence?

Are we Anglicans or Baptists? The Anglican Communion Covenant: Interdependence or Independence? by Revd John Watson Picture 1st Century Jerusalem. In the heat of the day an equally heated issue is raised to the leaders of the Church. A council is convened to advise the way forward. The Jewish Christians faced with a cultural challenge … Continue Reading

The Politics of Pentecost

Whoever prays for the Holy Spirit to come to us, into our hearts, into our community and to our earth does not want to flee to heaven or be removed to the great beyond. They have hope for their hearts, for their community and this earth. We do not pray ‘Let your kingdom come…’ we pray … Continue Reading

This is the air I breathe

This is the air I breathe by John Watson Pop into an old church or dusty room and the smell hits you. A mixed emotive response might come to haunt you as you breathe in the air. Contrasting words like ‘stale’ or ‘ancient’, ‘well used’ or ‘forgotten’ might come to mind. What’s the air like … Continue Reading

The Playful God

The Playful God by John Watson A little while ago a young child of six years old blew my mind away – asking my then six year old son ‘What does your daddy do?’ to which my son replied he is a Vicar – this penetrating and wonderfully subversive comment came back ‘WOW – he … Continue Reading