A Party without Soul: Why Labour Needs to Learn about Love and Sin
If any meaningful language and vision of change is to emerge within the Labour Party, it needs to develop a way of talking about love and sin.
If any meaningful language and vision of change is to emerge within the Labour Party, it needs to develop a way of talking about love and sin.
Against the faux morality of finance capitalism, the potency of a story about a God who forgives debts can be heard afresh.
The Real Battle of St Paul’s Cathedral: The Occupy Movement and Millennial Politics by Luke Bretherton orginally published at christianitycontemporarypolitics.com used with permission. St Paul’s Cross in the church yard of St Paul’s Cathedral is the ancient meeting point where the citizens of London would gather to decide matters of common concern. It was at … Continue Reading
Shopping with Violence: Riots and the Responsible Society by Luke Bretherton first published on ABC Religion & Ethics David Cameron said the rioters represented ‘pockets’ of society that were ‘sick’. His analysis was both wrong and worryingly misguided. To say someone is sick is to suggest they are not responsible for what is happening to … Continue Reading