2 thoughts on “Church of England women bishops: archbishops will overrule synod – Guardian”
“And when they be gathered together, forasmuch as they be an assembly of men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and word of God, they may err and sometime have erred, even in things pertaining to God.” — Article XXI
Has any conscience ever strained to believe this?
An interesting question then– are these modern synods primarily deliberative like the Lords or representative like the Commons? If the former, their deliberations have really concluded; if the latter, the sensus fidelium is already settled and clear, and a vote would scarcely influence it.
“Tony Baldry MP, who is the Church’s liaison officer with parliament, warned that any further failure would not be tolerated.” I have often wondered whether Mr Baldry is on the Churches side or parliaments. As Ian Duncan Smith has created foodbank Britain his position is untenable. It is not even clear who is not tolerating failure. Is he speaking for the bishops or the government? This intervention would be disastrous. when the gloves are off it would show that the separation of established church and state is a fiction. The only proper response from members of the Church of England would be disestablishment or to join a free church. Tearing up the constitution is what dictators do. It may suit David Cameron but I would expect better from Justin Welby.
“And when they be gathered together, forasmuch as they be an assembly of men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and word of God, they may err and sometime have erred, even in things pertaining to God.” — Article XXI
Has any conscience ever strained to believe this?
An interesting question then– are these modern synods primarily deliberative like the Lords or representative like the Commons? If the former, their deliberations have really concluded; if the latter, the sensus fidelium is already settled and clear, and a vote would scarcely influence it.
“Tony Baldry MP, who is the Church’s liaison officer with parliament, warned that any further failure would not be tolerated.” I have often wondered whether Mr Baldry is on the Churches side or parliaments. As Ian Duncan Smith has created foodbank Britain his position is untenable. It is not even clear who is not tolerating failure. Is he speaking for the bishops or the government? This intervention would be disastrous. when the gloves are off it would show that the separation of established church and state is a fiction. The only proper response from members of the Church of England would be disestablishment or to join a free church. Tearing up the constitution is what dictators do. It may suit David Cameron but I would expect better from Justin Welby.