Guest Blog: ‘Islam has a stronger tradition of legitimated violence than Christianity- Lapidomedia December 11, 2014 by Fulcrum LAST WEEK Desmond Swayne, Minister of State at the Department for International Development made provocative, even egregious remarks about the relationship between religion and violence. As reported first by Lapido and followed up by The Times on 1 December, Swayne suggested that ‘I don’t think there’s anything ISIL [commonly known as ‘Islamic State’] can come up with that Christians have not matched at some stage in history’. John Wolfee. Lapidomedia. 10 December 2014 FulcrumShareTweetShare
Human beings in a state of ‘righteous mind’ are capable of violence, even if the religion by which they understand the state forbids the violence. Ceteris paribus, Muslims may possibly have more difficulty disentangling faith from coercion. Log in to Reply
This is Desmond Swayne’s response to earlier coverage Log in to Reply
Human beings in a state of ‘righteous mind’ are capable of violence, even if the religion by which they understand the state forbids the violence.
Ceteris paribus, Muslims may possibly have more difficulty disentangling faith from coercion.
This is Desmond Swayne’s response to earlier coverage