Possibly the sanest news item ever published on the matter of Anglican churches and homosexuality has this heading,
Church of England bishops: we agree on one thing - that we can't agree on homosexuality
Within the item are we seeing the introduction of a new Anglican phrase, "good disagreement"?
Anglican Down Under website. 29 January 2014

Well I certainly hope so! Agreeing to disagree and disagreeing without being disagreeable., is the first step to peaceful resolution. It is not always about right or wrong good or bad but often about who has the authority to excery power, there is no graeter power than agreeing to disagree and finding a way of accomadating need, and there is no greater need than for a bishop to be able to share the gospel and receive the gospel, if that receiving means a bishops need is for healing then that is the way it is. So I am going to take the liberty of praying for the Bishops, I Pray that they will receive peace when peace seems to allude them, I pray that when they are hurt they have the courage to let go and let God. I pray that they will feel reassured if they feel that the gospel and its interpretation are at risk. I P ray that peace will be with them and that they know that. And I thank God for calling them and for the healing which will most definately take place.