1 thought on “Seedy past of Radio 4 vicar who labelled scheme ‘right to steal’: High profile churchman Richard Coles attacks Tory plans”
Sometimes truth comes from unexpected voices – not too sure what is being proposed – that the Housing Association has to sell below market value or are the Cameronions going to give handouts to purchasers at the tax payers expense? Either way it implies the kind of wealth transfer that is corrupting of democracy – housing association tenant – vote for us and we will give you (a) the right to buy your flat (b) a substantial wealth transfer to make it happen.
Sometimes truth comes from unexpected voices – not too sure what is being proposed – that the Housing Association has to sell below market value or are the Cameronions going to give handouts to purchasers at the tax payers expense? Either way it implies the kind of wealth transfer that is corrupting of democracy – housing association tenant – vote for us and we will give you (a) the right to buy your flat (b) a substantial wealth transfer to make it happen.