Fulcrum response to Primates’ Statement

The Primates’ Statement, like the Windsor Report, manifests long term solutions, rather than precipitous dissolution, for the Anglican Communion. We welcome their statement which builds on the profound theological insights of the Windsor Report, provides sensible provision for voluntary discipline in terms of a 3 year withdrawal of the provinces of ECUSA and Canada from … Continue Reading

The only poker game in town: reflections on the Windsor Report

1. The Lambeth Commission was asked to make a theological and legal discernment of a particular situation, describing that situation in an analytical way that would prepare for a practical decision by the Primates and A.C.C. Their work, we may say, is a service rendered to the episcopê of the Anglican churches, aimed towards an … Continue Reading

Windsor Report: Fulcrum Initial Statement

We consider this to be a very significant, thoughtful, in-depth, report with vital recommendations which could hold the Anglican Communion together. Clearly, it has teeth and is not a fudge. It is a much more conservative than liberal document. It is against excessive provincial autonomy, and the ‘pre-emptive strikes’ of the dioceses of New Hampshire, … Continue Reading

Review of Whose Religion is Christianity? The Gospel beyond the West by Lamin Sanneh

Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003 ISBN 0-8028-2164-2 paperback, xii+138 pages $12.00 (£8.99) In his latest book, which is slim but not slight, Lamin Sanneh exploits the genre of a modern Socratic dialogue to publicise and discuss the phenomenon of Christianity as a world religion. He has summarized – rephrased? – and answered questions from his students … Continue Reading

The Passion of the Christ

published in The Guardian Friday 19 March 2004 Mel Gibson doesn’t do reticence. The face of Christ is in your face. In the New Testament, the gospel writers narrate the crucifixion with admirable restraint and economy of words – what is surprising, in their accounts, is the very lack of gory detail. Here, perhaps, we … Continue Reading

Man Dancin’

Review of the Norman Stone film which combines many levels of allegory in a gritty, contemporary story. Starring Alex Ferns, Tom Georgeson, Kenneth Cranham, James Cosmo and Jenny Foulds Certificate 15 [Contains drug use and strong violence] Reviewed by Christopher Took While we are waiting for The Passion of the Christ to be released, I … Continue Reading