Andrew Goddard explores the challenges facing the Pilling Group

Andrew Goddard explores the challenges facing the Pilling Group
Doing theology as a bishop, as well as writing it, often turns out to be exhilarating.
The Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings is Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Ely and Research Associate at the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide.
Andrew Goddard critiques the Bishop of Salisbury's re-presentiation of his views on same-sex marriage
Alongside his Evangelical heritage Justin Welby has been strongly influenced by Anglo-Catholic and Roman Catholic spirituality.
Andrew Atherstone is tutor in history and doctrine, and Latimer research fellow, at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford
Andrew Goddard considers in detail a recent communique from the House of Bishops in December 2012 about Civil Partnerships and the episcopacy
A week may be a long time in politics, but the Church of England usually moves at a statelier pace. Not so in recent days.
These posts are by guest authors for Fulcrum
In the wake of the GS vote on women Bishops – it is time to ask this vital question.
Tom Wright’s biblical arguments for women bishops
The importance of maintaining engagement and fellowship with Christians of differing views
Stephen Kuhrt is Vicar of Christ Church, New Malden.
Reflections on the 450th anniversary of Bishop John Jewel's 'Apologia'
The Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings is Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Ely and Research Associate at the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide.