Gods of our age: Mars (War and Conflict)
It is striking that in all his letters, Paul modifies the tradition greeting from ‘grace’ to ‘grace and peace.’
It is striking that in all his letters, Paul modifies the tradition greeting from ‘grace’ to ‘grace and peace.’
The most important affirmation in Scripture about Mammon is the claim that ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’ (Ps 24.1). Ultimately, no individual owns anything, but has it on trust from God.
“So what is Christian discipleship? I have come to define it like this: discipleship is a form of apprenticeship undertaken in community. It’s practical, and it’s corporate. To recognise this radically changes our understanding of it. It means that the focus of our discipleship should be not on what we know but on who we are becoming”. Chapter 2 of Alison Morgan’s new book “Following Jesus : The Plural of Disciple is Church”.
Sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship: Isaiah 7:10-16 and Matthew 1:18-end
Last Lent I took a break from facebook, twitter and blogging. It did me good. I like to think that I am not addicted to social media but there is no doubt that checking updates, posting comments and engaging in discussions takes up time and mental space. My son’s comment to me a few months … Continue Reading