Nourishing Unity? NEAC 2008 – Fulcrum Newsletter 25, November 2008

Nourishing Unity? NEAC 2008 Fulcrum Newsletter, November 2008 by Graham Kings copublished, with permission, from The Church Times, 14 November 2008 Unity amongst Evangelicals in the Church of England is urgently needed at this crucial moment in the Anglican Communion. We are committed to the teaching of the Communion on sexuality and opposed to the … Continue Reading

Hopes for NEAC 2008: a personal reflection

Hopes for NEAC 2008: A Personal Reflection by Andrew Goddard Next Saturday, November 15th, sees the convening of a National Evangelical Anglican Consultation (NEAC) at All Souls, Langham Place in London. It has been called by the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC). In contrast to the large-scale NEACs of Keele (1967), Nottingham (1977), Caister … Continue Reading

Preventing CEEC becoming a 'Rump Parliament'

Preventing CEEC from becoming a ‘Rump Parliament’ by Stephen Kuhrt prepublished, with permission, from the Church of England Newspaper, 14 November 2008 ‘Rump’ is a term that originally referred to the hind end of an animal. Since the seventeenth century, however, its use has been expanded to speak of any unrepresentative remnant left in power … Continue Reading

Worshipping the God of the Gospel: a dream for Evangelical worship

Worshipping the God of the Gospel a dream for evangelical worship by Chris Cocksworth An address given at the Evangelical Worship Consultation, Ridley Hall, Cambridge organised by the Liturgical Commission, 15th September 2008 I would like to begin my dreaming further back – with the actual identity Anglican Evangelicalism, not simply its worship. My dream … Continue Reading

Fulcrum coverage of GAFCON 2008

GAFCON 2008 Fulcrum Coverage Fulcrum Response to the Lambeth Conference and to GAFCON 7 September Andrew Goddard: GAFCON and the Anglican Covenant 20 July Tom Wright: Further Thoughts on GAFCON and related matters 6 July The GAFCON Movement and The Anglican Communion 5 July Fulcrum Response to GAFCON Final Statement 4 July 2008 Fulcrum Briefing … Continue Reading

The GAFCON Movement and the Anglican Communion

The GAFCON Movement and The Anglican Communion by Andrew Goddard Although much remains unclear, there is no doubt that the Statement on the Global Anglican Future issued last weekend and its 14-point Jerusalem Declaration mark a significant development in Anglicanism. For some people the response to this is obvious – either unquestioning elation and talk … Continue Reading

Fulcrum Briefing Paper on GAFCON for Parochial Church Councils

Fulcrum Briefing Paper on GAFCON for Parochial Church Councils against the resolution suggested on the Anglican Mainstream site: ‘We stand in solidarity with the Jerusalem Declaration and Statement on the Global Anglican Future’ What is GAFCON? The ‘Global Anglican Future Conference’ was held at the end of June 2008 in Jerusalem and attended by over … Continue Reading

Fulcrum Response to GAFCON Final Statement

Fulcrum Response to GAFCON Final Statement In the Final Statement of GAFCON, we have found encouragements but also have some very grave questions about strategy which need serious consideration: Encouragements include: No schism in the Anglican Communion – it seems that Peter Jensen, amongst others, has insisted on this the tone is serious and not … Continue Reading

Substance and Shadow: Lambeth Conference and GAFCON

Substance and Shadow: Lambeth Conference and GAFCON Fulcrum Newsletter, January 2008 by Graham Kings vicar of St Mary Islington and theological secretary of Fulcrum prepublished, with permission, from The Church of England Newspaper, 31 January 2008 Dear Fulcrum friends, The Letter to the Hebrews warns against the temptation to withdraw and separate. Chapter ten opens … Continue Reading