Liturgies for same-sex couples?: Thoughts on a new Private Member’s Motion for General Synod
Can the Church of England offer a service of prayer and dedication to civil partnered and legally married same-sex couples given its current doctrine?
Can the Church of England offer a service of prayer and dedication to civil partnered and legally married same-sex couples given its current doctrine?
David Baker welcomes a new reflection from the Church of England Evangelical Council which is reproduced at the end of his article.
Reflections on Southwark Catherdral’s service marking a civil partnership and some of the wider issues it raises for the church
Reflections on the July Synod debates on conversion therapy and welcoming transgender people and analysis of the voting.
Glynn Harrison and Andrew Goddard offer some reflections on sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) in the light of the forthcoming Synod debate and a recent paper by Michael King and Robert Song.
What do the bishops propose in their report “Marriage and Same Sex Relationships after the Shared Conversations” and is it the way forward for the Church of England?
What did the bishops think they were doing and how did they end up with their report “Marriage and Same Sex Relationships after the Shared Conversations”?
Fulcrum’s reflections on the House of Bishops’ Report “Marriage and Same Sex Relationships after the Shared Conversations”
A study of pastoral accommodation in theory and in practice (prayer after abortion, polygamy, and divorce and remarriage) and its relevance to debates on same-sex unions.
The decision as to whether to include certain ways of life within the leadership and liturgical celebration of the church – in any area of life, not just sexuality – cannot be made on the basis of an appeal to inclusion.