Bill Love, TEC and same-sex marriage: implications

This article first appeared on Psephizo. Following my previous post which explored the Hearing Panel ruling on Bishop Bill Love and the background to it, this article seeks to begin exploring some of its implications and possible consequences. Bishop Love has already written to his diocese and initially appears unlikely to appeal despite noting the significance of the judgment’s … Continue Reading

Bishop Bill Love, TEC, and same-sex marriage in the church

This article first appeared on Psephizo. The recent negative judgment by The Episcopal Church’s Hearing Panel on Bishop Bill Love’s pastoral direction nearly two years ago to the clergy of his diocese (Albany) is justifiably leading to widespread comment and concern. But what has happened and what is really at stake? This article explains the background and … Continue Reading

Obituary: J.I. Packer

With the death of J. I. (‘Jim’) Packer, Anglican evangelicalism has lost one of its most significant theological voices, as well as a guiding figure of the National Evangelical Anglican Congress at the University of Keele in 1967, which many consider to have inaugurated a new phase in the history of evangelicalism within the Church … Continue Reading

Hope Under Judgement: A reflection on theology and race after the killing of George Floyd

I feel a distinct uneasiness as I attempt to write some reflections on the brutal killing of George Floyd and the subsequent events. It’s an uneasiness borne of the tension in accepting that sheer silence represents a failure to reckon with what is and has been happening, yet knowing ahead of time that words will … Continue Reading

The Quest for Truth and Freedom: Some Polanyian reflections (I) – Introducing Michael Polanyi to a post-truth world

In a two-part article helping the church think about how it understands itself and the nature of its calling in a ‘post-truth’ world, David Atkinson here introduces the life and work of Michael Polanyi and two key themes in his thought: The Way of Discovery and the key role of A Society of Explorers.